Strategic positioning for renewable energy

Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult

| Renewables PR



Shine a spotlight on emerging renewable energy priorities, specifically wave, tidal and the circular economy, in order to build understanding and interest amongst government and potential investors


What Pier did

Pier researched and produced a media campaign specifically targeting trade and broadsheet media



The campaign had an estimated reach of more than 4 million, securing coverage in key titles from The Independent to New Scientist


The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult wanted to inform government and potential investors about the latest renewable technology. By raising the profile of wave and tidal energy, along with the importance of a circular economy, the campaign aimed to educate key decision makers about lesser-known renewable energy opportunities. 


Pier got to work identifying key media in energy and renewables who would reach ORE Catapult’s target audience, utilising our existing contacts and creating new relationships. We researched the opportunities in tidal, wave and circular economy, quickly and efficiently speaking to experts in the fields to better understand the benefits of each. After initially securing coverage in City AM and Bloomberg through crafted features and thought-leadership pieces, we arranged opportunities for journalists to speak directly to ORE Catapult experts on the subject of tidal. The result was thought-provoking news articles in The Independent and New Scientist, which then led to further headlines as other media outlets sought to capitalise on the story. Altogether, the campaign had an estimated reach of 4.5 million, with more than 30 pieces of coverage. 

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