Suffolk PR & Communications Agency is First to Achieve County’s Healthy Workplace Award

Integrated communications agency, Pier has become the first organisation in Suffolk to achieve a Healthy Workplace Award.

Integrated communications agency, Pier has become the first organisation in Suffolk to achieve a Healthy Workplace Award. The award is organised by Public Health Suffolk and other health partners, including West Suffolk Council who also supported the assessment. It offers businesses of all sizes in the region the opportunity to become accredited in eight standards: health & safety, mental health, physical activity, healthy eating, leadership, attendance management, smoking & tobacco related ill-health and alcohol and substance misuse.

Cllr James Reeder, Suffolk County Council’s cabinet member for health said:

“I would like to congratulate Pier on being the first Suffolk business to achieve the Healthy Workplace Award, especially at Level 3 which means they have demonstrated excellence in leadership, as well as other key measures from mental health to physical activity. This award is important as it gives organisations the opportunity to take stock of all the things they are doing to keep staff well at work, plus the areas they can improve. It’s also a great way of celebrating success, as in the case of Pier. I hope their example prompts many more Suffolk organisations to get involved with the award.”

The award was presented to Pier by Cllr Reeder, along with Chris Pyburn of Public Health Suffolk and Neil Wood of Public Health England.
Kate Bowden Smith, managing director at Pier, said: “We are extremely proud to have received accreditation in all eight standards. With the help of our team, local health organisations, mental health charities and the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, we have invested heavily in workplace wellbeing over the last two years. We have published a Health and Wellbeing Policy outlining our commitment to support the physical and mental health of our staff, appointed a Mental Health Champion and embarked on several initiatives to embed wellbeing into the core values of our business.

“As a business owner I really believe that people are our greatest asset. If they are healthy and happy and feel supported in the workplace then they become passionate ambassadors of the company’s work and values. By embedding a culture of openness and engagement and consistently promoting positive practises around physical and mental health we hope that wellness will continue to weave itself into our everyday ways of working.

“Going through the award submission process was a great way to audit and review what we have achieved, benchmark ourselves and ensure that all of the positive work that we have done is written into our policies and procedures. I would highly recommend the process to other local businesses of all sizes.”

For more information about the Healthy Workplace Award and how to apply, visit

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