Pier x Still Good Food

Do you know what gleaning is? Let’s dive in!

For some time now, we have been thinking about how we can do good, better.

Before the pandemic, when, like so many, we were all in the office full time, it was a little easier. Periodically we would galvanise ourselves for our next ‘Pier Pledge’, raising money or donating to causes that we were passionate about. We’ve always done everything we can do to support good causes.

We’ve continued to do lots of different things over the last few years, but the time was right to cement a more meaningful way to make a difference.

Our 2024 charity partnership

In 2022 we announced we were giving 1% of our profit to fighting climate change. We made good on this promise last year, and donated to the cause our team voted for – the Climate Coalition. We’ll be doing the same this year.

However, we still want to do more.

Last year, we started our hunt for a new charity to support and are thrilled to announce we found the perfect partner in Still Good Food.

Still Good Food is a food waste charity based in Suffolk. They save food from being wasted by redistributing it to their community. Dedicated volunteers pour their time and energy into collecting the food and then passing it on for a nominal donation at their two shops in Suffolk.

They work incredibly hard to support both people and planet – it’s a brilliant enterprise.

Why Still Good Food?

Incredibly, about a third of all food produced for human consumption goes to waste – shocking, particularly at a time when millions of people in the UK cannot afford food. This is intrinsically linked to climate change because of the fresh water, land, energy and labour used to produce food.

Still Good Food aligns naturally with our values. Its work straddles both food and the environment, and they’re local to our roots in Suffolk. They’re small but ambitious making a real difference, every day. The perfect partnership.


We asked Still Good Food how we could best help, and they introduced us to all things gleaning. But what IS gleaning you may ask? Well, this age-old term refers to the process of collecting surplus produce directly from farms – like wonky veg. The army of Still Good Food volunteers travel to farms in the region to ‘glean’ fresh food from yards and fields so it can be redistributed to local communities. It’s incredibly worthwhile but takes a lot of resource to make it happen.

Over the next twelve months Pier will be fundraising for things like nets, gloves, travel expenses and more to help resource Still Good Foods gleaning efforts. We’ll also be supporting with pro-bono PR and we can’t wait to get stuck in and support this brilliant charity.

Visit the Still Good Food website to find out more.

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